Our store closes for renewal from October 1, 2021
This character's item list: Tokage
Item ID : 10786
Tokage Clear View Mirror
This product comes with a different pattern from the one in the early ARANZI FUKUBUKURO (grab bag) 2018. It is to be sold out as soon as the present stock has run out.

It may look like that, but this is a three-in-one mirror. It can be used as a loupe, a normal mirror, and a magnifier.
Item image

Dimensions: (frame) dia. 8.5cm / (mirror) dia. 7cm
Materials: (frame) polystyrene / (magnifying lens) acrylic resin / (mirror) back-silvered glass mirror

/// CAUTION ///
- Do NOT leave this product in direct sunlight to prevent a fire hazard.
- Do NOT look at the sun using the product. Or eye injury or loss of sight may be caused.
- Do NOT give the product shock to prevent breakage or an unexpected injury.
- Use the product only for its intended use.
- Keep this product out of reach of children.
- When the lense gets dirty, wipe off the dirt with a soft cloth.

Clear View Mirror
Clear View Mirror

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